Some of the most typical characteristics of groundwater are weak turbidity, a constant temperature and chemical composition and almost overall absence of oxygen. Circulating groundwater can have extreme variation in the composition with the appearance of pollutants and various contaminants.
That religion may not be the end all be all of every scientific question ever posed. What I mean is that religion may not be able to answer every question that comes from the world around us, an example being how religions interpreted the Earth as being the center of everything, when scientifically this is not the case and religions disputed this until they eventually died out or re-evaluated their beliefs.
Because of the need for water and other resources. Central Australia is mainly desert, and has a hot, dry climate.
The mass movements are representing movements of large masses of soil, also including rocks, water, biomass in them. These movements though need certain natural conditions so that they can happen. For a mass movement to occur, there has to be a slope, and under the influence of the gravitation, once the conditions are right, there will be movement downward until it reaches a flatter spot. If the terrain is flat, then a mass movement can not occur, as the gravitation is pulling the material down, so it will not be able to move. Also, if the gravitation is lacking, the material will not move anywhere, as without gravitation, there will be no atmosphere, and without atmosphere, there will be no agents to cause the mass movement.