They got to prove their worth and that they were patriotic.
This is the type of question, that you should really write yourself... Everyone has a different writing style.
Start off by defining all 5 of the terms.
Then, do a little recap on what you know on the terms. (EX: Boycott: Who boycotted? What did they boycott? Why did they boycott? etc)
Decide what your tone for the paragragh is going to be. ( Are you going to write a funny, fictional story about the colonies? or are you going to write an informational pparagraph about the colonies?
Hope this helps.... If you have any questions let me kow. :D
B<span>y proclaiming neutrality and signing treaties with Britain and Spain.</span>
"<span>B. </span>1, 2, 4, 3" is the best answer as to the sequence of events in Texas history, but it should be noted that several major events are missing from the list.
In 1587, a group of 115 settlers from England arrived at Roanoke Island, which is off the coast of North Carolina. The governor of the colony, John White, decided to return to England that year to replenish supplies. However, a major war broke out in Europe, and White's return to Roanoke was delayed by three whole years.