Meaning the music and liturgy was born in the church.
They both discouraged contact from outsiders.
the Persistence of Memory 1931 painted by Sodor Delilah , Modern Art.
Mastery over the human beings his inspiration was watching clocks in a Surreal way .
from what I gather is that He was a Modern Artist that do Realist Artwork, like a Anonymous DaVinci .
The sun-centred model of the universe as proposed by Copernicus was not immediately accepted because it challenged the religious dogma that had held sway in the middle ages because this dogma required the earth to be at the center and man the creation of god as a unique event only on the earth so if helio centrism was to take hold it would relegate man and the earth to a lesser important aspect of the universe.
Micronesia has a total land area about the size of the state of Rhode Island.