I found the following information online. I do not know whether it would be helpful for In the story "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" by Jack Finney, Tom Benecke illustrates a round character. He does not remain static. Tom Benecke will not be the same man at the end of the story. In the beginning of the story, Tom does not go to the movies with his wife Clare. He prefers to stay at home and ruminate about his project. You would need to work further on your paper and I think that if you need more profound help with it, Prime Writings site would be the perfect choice to make.
hold up
i walk in to my shared dorm today, right? i say hey to my roomie, he says hey back, and i go about my day. i'm lying in my bed now, he is still here. my roomate is a girl im terrified. she walks in, says hey to him, grabs me, runs out, we walk to the local mcdonalds to get icecream. We can se him in the mcdonalds, accually his face and voice is every where. god, why is biden all over the place