Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter (or sound) at the beginning of closely connected words. Of the 22 words in this sentence, 4 of them start with "st," as to "br," which is only 1 word, "sp," which is only 1 word, and "ut," which is also only 1 word. Hope this helped!
A. The challenges and difficulties of feeding the world's population
Lifeboat Ethics is a metaphor for asset distribution proposed by the ecologist Garrett Hardin in 1974.
Hardin's metaphor depicts a raft bearing 50 individuals, with space for ten more. The raft is in a sea encompassed by a hundred swimmers. The "morals" of the circumstance originate from the issue of whether swimmers ought to be taken on board the raft.
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1-2 sentences should be enough.
Answer: It is D... power
Explanation: ingenuity: Ingenuity is the ability to think creatively about a situation or to solve problems in a clever way. If you want to build a boat out of toothpicks and yarn, you’ll need a lot of ingenuity.