Candide is a satire by the philosopher Voltaire. It is very critical of the aristocracy and the church, It is also critical of certain tenets of the Enlightenment, especially ideas about social class. The novel uses humor to show the need for social reform.
It reaches carrying capacity.
It can no longer carry for the lack of resources.
A: American Indians did not have to obey state laws.
Hopefully this helps!
I personally feel that most of the working citizens in America, today only work so they get payed and they have something to look forward to after they have retired from working their whole adult lives. It's nice to be treated every once in a while when you've done something great. It's even a possibility that a good hand full of people might even quit working just because they don't have something to look forward to. Maybe if they got payed more and put it away for a rainy day they might not complain, but there is always a chance.
Preventing the creation of a national bank