The structure and function of the chromosome are different in both the prokaryotic chromosome and eukaryotic chromosome. They differ in their size as the genetic information they carry is different from one another.
Eukaryotic chromosome have a different shape from the prokaryotic chromosome as the bacterial chromosome is circular and less complex due to no histone found in prokaryotes as we see in the eukaryotic chromosome. SIze of the bacterial or prokaryotic chromosome is also small and not found in condensed form as these cells carry less genetic information than eukaryotic cells.
Strengthen the arms.
If a person repeatedly lift 25 pounds of weight over the head for 1 minute and then rest for 1 minute, the outcome of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles of the arms. The lifting of weight with the help of arms, the muscles of the arms will get stronger and increase occurs in the width of the arms. This exercise done by bodybuilders to get their arms stronger as well as athlete for stronger arms and hand muscles so the outcome of lifting the weight will leads to the increase in the strength of the arms.
Answer: The desert animals do not get appreciable amount of water quantity to survive on daily basis instead their body mechanism tries to conserve water by concentrating urine.
The desert mammal like kangaroo rat produces hyper concentrated urine so as to conserve water. It is facilitated by extremely long loop of Henle in their nephron. The long loop of Henle increases the time and space for absorption of water and nutrients from the urine filtrate. Hence, urine so produced is more concentrate and conserve water. Moreover, the kangaroo rat consume their urine to survive in extreme hot desert condition in scarcity of water.
The result of the initial rotation of the cloud of gas and dust that condensed to form the Sun and planets. As gravity condensed the clouds, of angular momentum increased the rotational speed and flattened the cloud out into a disk.
A proper habitat and Preferences different specialized niches