Grandma said that Roger did not hit back because he had respect. How does Roger show his respect for Junior the day after he was punched? He shows respect by commenting on Juniors ride to school by saying that it was cool.
Junior asks his grandmother for advice. The ever-wise Grandma (fig 9.1) tells Junior that Roger not fighting back probably means he respects Junior. Junior thinks she's plain crazy.
She asked what I was doing when I knocked at the door.
a point of view and a viewpoint are essentially the same thing. They both refer to an attitude or a way of thinking about a particular subject, e.g. Try looking at things from a different point of view. Try looking at things from a different viewpoint.
ANSWER is option D.
Because if you think about it, the Atlantic is a vast distance, but a puddle really isnt. So comparing such a large distance (the Atlantic) to such a small one (puddle) is understatement.