Traversing as they do all of Eurasia, the Silk Roads encompassed almost every climate and vegetation zone and crossed every kind of terrain. This sketch of Silk Road geography has the modest aim of introducing a few of the important features of Eurasian physical geography which help us to understand patterns of human habitation and interaction across that vast expanse. There are always regional variations which deserve more detailed treatment. Before the advent of modern technology, geography and ecological zones were critical determinants of where and how people lived, moved and interacted. Boundaries such as we know them, delineated by modern states, did not exist, but boundaries there were, either natural or manmade, and in both cases they turn out to have been quite permeable.
I discovered that a key moment in Roman history was a very little-discussed raid by pirates on the Port of Rome at Ostia.
Rome was at that point the dominant world superpower, and there was no state in the world that would ever have dared to attack Rome. But the Romans were attacked by a group of stateless desperados who set fire to the Port. The flames may well have been visible in Rome itself. And this sent a shockwave through Rome, because if pirates could strike that close to the imperial capital, nowhere was safe.
And in this panicky atmosphere - an atmosphere of panic, I might say, which was deliberately whipped up by ambitious politicians - the Roman people took a series of fatal steps, surrendering some of their liberties and some of their control over their government. And in doing so, they sewed the seeds of the destruction of their own democracy.
And the more I looked at that event, the more it seemed familiar to me and the parallel with 9/11 - and in particular the response to it.
They are :
- Michelangelo
- Rafello Sanzio
- Donato Bramante
These famous Renaissance Artists were commissioned by the pope Julius 2 to perform/carry out several works of art for the church and himself.
Michelangelo was commissioned by the pope to carry out the decoration/painting of the ceiling f the Sistine chapel. although Michelangelo was a sculpture as at the time he judiciously painted/decorated the ceiling of Sistine Chapel
Donato Bramante was commissioned by the pope for the reconstruction of the church ( st peter's Basilica ) in a modern building while The pope commissioned Rafello Sanzio to make a portrait painting of him
The correct answer would be C-intervention.
Rosa parks arrest on the montgomery alabama bus december 1955 sparked the boycott over 1955 to 1956 to make a mass protest to the supreme court to end the segregation rule on public buses