Horrible and martin luther king jr was one key figure for the movement.
Jackson wanted to move them from america complete he made the trail of tears which pushed them into rez and as Americans moved west So did native americans it was a never ending battle and the ameircans came through from raiding the native american reservations which still happens today.
The correct answer is b. - tsunamis.
Tsunami is a Japanese word meaning harbor wave.
Tsunamis are giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea. This usually happens deep out in the ocean. The earth movement causes a displacement of water in the form of a large ripple which begins to move inland at tremendous speed.
There is no dramatic increase in height of the wave, but as it moves toward the coast, it builds up to a higher and higher height as the ocean becomes shallower and shallower till when it makes land fall, the wave may be dozens of feet high.
El objetivo fundamental de Estados Unidos es la neocolonización o neodominación de América latina y el Caribe con el uso de diversas estrategias doctrinarias, filosóficas, políticas, sociales, culturales y básicamente militares: El expansionismo yanqui se origina en la filosofía, doctrina o idea del Destino Manifiesto presentida por los colonizadores puritanos, pues uno de ellos escribió: "Ninguna nación tiene el derecho de expulsar a otra, si no es por un designio especial del cielo como el que tuvieron los israelitas, a menos que los nativos obraran injustamente con ella. En este caso tendrán derecho a entablar, legalmente, una guerra con ellos así como a someterlos.