<span>Three patterns for exposition in writing are the illustrative, analytical and the argumentative patterns</span>
Cause and effect of activism????
C) The woman offers her daughter the opportunity to coauthor a book with her in order to keep her close to home.
The daughter wasn't the one that had the issue with change, it was the dad. On the off chance that the man discovers joy in his grandson, it implies that he has acknowledged the way that what happened happened.
This says Mrs. White has a sense of reason that Mr. White may lack. She doesn't have a competitive sense that her husband has.
"Father and son were at chess, the former, who possesses ideas about the game involving radical changes, putting his king into such sharp and unnecessary perils that it even provoked comment from the white-haired old lady knitting placidly by the fire.
"Never mind, dear," said his wife soothingly; "perhaps you'll win the next one."
A playwrights might use a meter because he/she might want the audience to be aware or laugh