Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia
The Pullman strike of 1894 began when George Pullman, owner of the company,. cut wages by twenty-five percent due to a slumping economy.
Korea and Japan have close
relationship ever since their ancient histories to this day. Because
of this reason, their economic growth and development have similarities
but on the other hand, due to their different characteristics, they also
have differences.<span> Throughout
the research paper, several similarities and diversities between Korea
and Japan could be found. Two countries had impacts on each other,
for example, Korea’s influence in the ancient history and Japanese
occupation in Korea. Both of the two countries have long blossomed
histories, distinct art and literature works, that are going through
remarkable economic development. These characteristics like
religious beliefs and government policies helped them to grow faster
compared to other countries. They both are major industrial
countries with high technology now and they are still growing.
When looking at their efforts to put emphasis on educating the future
generations it seems like they will continue to grow in the future as
I hope this helps.</span>