The exoskeleton helps support movement by working with the muscles.
The natural flow of rivers can be affected by several factors, such as building dams to provide drinking water, pumping of groundwater, climate change, and building of lands that change how natural water runs into surfaces and into rivers. All of these also disrupt the balance of ecosystem in the area.
Repressor slows down transcription.
RNA Polymerase enzyme transcribes mRNA from DNA.
Promoters are the 100 to 900 bps long sequence of DNA, that helps in the initiation of transcription. The transcription gets slow down as repressor bind to the promoter region hampering the attachment of RNA Polymerase enzyme which is responsible for transcription.
The process of transcription is the conversion of DNA into mRNA as told in the central dogma of molecular biology. Enzyme responsible for transcription is RNA polymerase. It is the first phase of gene expression, where DNA strand is copied into mRNA called a primary transcript.
While pet rabbits can survive alone without another bunny living with them, they can get very lonely and sad, as rabbits are naturally herd animals. No matter how much human attention they receive, that does not replace attention from a fellow rabbit friend.
When one rabbit is introduced to another rabbit, they may not always get along. However, they will always be very curious when they first meet, and can become close friends after bonding for a while. Keeping close supervision on bunnies when they first meet, however, is very crucial, as they could get into a fight and hurt each other.