Yes, there are certain planet that are not detected even if they are large.
- The Doppler method is the radial-velocity method, and also an indirect method finding the extra solar planets and the brown dwarfs. While the transit method is a phenomenon only the celestial bodies are directly between a large body and an observer body.
- However, the transit method of the transiting planet is low as it depends on the alignment of the three objects that are in a near perfect straight line patterns. And that of the Doppler method that it can only measure movements along that line of sight, and this depends on the estimates of inclination of the planet's orbit to determine its mass.
- <u>Thus of a planet is found by both these methods we can find its density, and an indication of its composition.</u>
The Northeast became a leader in commerce because of its location and early development of industrial industries. The Northeast became a manufacturing hub in the colonies and in the newly formed United States which created specialization and the growth of commerce in this region relative to the South which was more agriculturally based.
Sauli Niinisto is the president of finland