He maintained power through a combination of fear and massive propaganda.
A parliamentary republic is one where a parliament has its own head of state that is not connected to the president. This is usually in the form of a prime minister and often this prime minister has even more power than the president. An example can be Germany that has a chancellor that is more important than the president and the president has almost no power.
Woodrow Wilson urged Americans to be “impartial in thought as well as in action.” When considering getting involved in WWI. "However, America's neutrality was soon tested on what the U.S. considered free international waters."
Impeding - to delay or prevent by obstructing it/them.
so your answer is B. Obstructing; slowing down.
The correct answer is letter C.
Explanation: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People the leading association for the defense of black rights and the fight against racism in the United States. Mainly composed of black Americans, but with many whites as members, aimed at ending racial discrimination and segregation, the entity was formed as a result of the lynching of two blacks in Springfield, Illinois, in 1908.