Independent Variable : Memory Drug
Dependent Variable : Story Quiz Score
In studying cause effect relationship between two relationships :
The causal variable leading to change in effected Variable is the Independent Variable. The effected variable being changed due to causing variable is the Dependent Variable.
So, studying : 'Memory Drug' impact - on 'Story Retention Quiz Score' implies that Memory Drug is the Independent Variable effecting Story Quiz Score & Story Quiz is the Dependent Variable being affected by Memory Drug.
Supermax is a term used for those prisons which have the top criminals. Within the US territory, there is a federal maximum security prison located in Florence, Colorado where solitary confinement or "lockdown" is the treatment for those criminals.
The prisoners are isolated in a way that their location in a cell involves a very high level of security and prevents them from escaping or revolting.
There are further reasons for isolating for periods of 22 hours per day the inmates.
It is believed that effective and safe management of prison population<em> will be ensured and still some major organizations like Amnesty International criticize the "effectiveness of the model" since a Supermax is an extremely isolated environment where almost no human contact takes place.</em>
<u>The questioned method of treating humans in these conditions still is very debatable among punitory systems for their social implications.</u>
A: The patricians were more powerful than the plebeians. B:slaves served only the consuls and Senate. C:the majority of the people were patricians. D:The kings often dismissed the Senate and assemblies.E:All male citizens were required to serve in the army. !
Colonies existed for the benefit of a mother country. spreading European culture to other nations helped the less advanced
Its d because a prisoner is in jail so that person cant vote that makes no sense