It is definitely A my love.
The British victory in the French and Indian War had a great impact on the British Empire. Firstly, it meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World. But the cost of the war had greatly enlarged Britain's debt. Moreover, the war generated substantial resentment towards the colonists among English leaders, who were not satisfied with the financial and military help they had received from the colonists during the war. All these factors combined to persuade many English leaders that the colonies needed a major reorganization and that the central authority should be in London. The English leaders set in motion plans to give London more control over the government of the colonies and these plans were eventually a big part of the colonial resentment towards British imperial policies that led to the American Revolution.
Hitler and Mussolini were more similar than different. Here is a list of reasons why this is the case.
1) Both rose to power during a time of crisis/instability- Hitler rose through the political ranks after the Germany economy suffered terribly due to the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. Mussolini also rose to power at the same time, thanks to the instability of the Italian government.
2) Both eliminated other political parties- Mussolini and Hitler both got rid of their political opposition through force during their reigns.
3) Both censored the media- Controlling the media is one way in which both controlled their societies. By showing themselves in the best possible light, Hitler and Mussolini gained support from their citizens.
4) Both were totalitarian leaders- This meant that both men had complete control over their respective countries.
No, religion is not the root of all evil but it is a major source of conflict between different nations. Every religion gives teaching of peace and harmony and to avoid conflict and hatred towards each other. The actions of some extremists did not suggest that their religion is responsible for their actions, it is due to their ideology. Conflict mostly occurs due to intolerance of people against each other's religion.
Rene Descartes, John Locke, Copernicus, and Montesquieu all challenged common thought at the time.