I would like Medium term saving goal
which is 2 months to 3 years. After that I think how to save more n more.
probably your ID and your social security card
A filtering service could save the newspaper industry by allowing consumers to filter out the content they are not interested in.
The author says that there is SO much content online it is impossible to read it all. By creating filtering services that allow consumers to choose their content based on interests, the newspaper industry could be saved. The author says there is a demand for publishing based on an individual's preferences.
The author compares this to editing in writing -- a filtering service is just editing content.
The train had minorly derailed and the people were frantic. Voices seemed to echo through our little town. Some in concern, others in pain. With the limited first-aid that I knew, I wanted to help. It didn't take long for me to find the first injured person. It was a rather small cut on their head and they were quite accepting of treatment. I hesitantly climbed into the train after everyone had seemed to stop hustling out.
"Hello?" I called out, my eyes scanning the carriage as I checked for any remaining passengers. After a few minutes of searching, with some of my friends doing the other compartments, we concluded that everybody had gotten off.
The conductor followed me out, cursing heavily as he told me about how his schedule had been thrown off. "So had your train." I reminded him carefully, gesturing to all the people. He nodded in agreement.