James is smarter than Steven. Since smarter is already used to show that James has a higher mental ability than Steven, there is no need for "more"
1)too disturbing to watch.
2)speeding through the red light.
3)all the people entered the theatre.
4)asking me many questions.
5)a hate letter.
6)she needed to help find a giraffe that had escaped.
7)clear her calender.
8)asking for any extra credit work available.
9)she has everything organized and placed neatly.
10)his brother didn't treat him nicely.
Jump and stunt are examples of C. ASSONANCE.
Assonance is where the same vowel sound is repeated at almost all the words.
*Alliteration is where the same sound is found at the beginning of the words. exampel: Being better is better than being bitter.
*Consonance is where the same consonant sound is repeated at almost all the words.
A feeling of distress, caused by loss or something else that has tragically happened.