President Wilson's appearance in front of the Congress asking for the declaration of war against Germany in hopes that they could influence the terms of the postwar peace settlement.
He proclaimed that the world must be made safe for democracy, to fight for the right of those who submit to authority to be their voice in their governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations and for the safety of all nations and make the world itself free.
The U.S. Senate then voted in favor of war with 82 votes to 6 and two days later the House of Representatives also voted in favor with 373 votes to 50. This solidified and announced the participation of the United States into the First World War.
While Congress had the right to regulate all forms of American currency, the Articles failed to call for a singular form of currency. This meant that the national government could print money, but each state could as well. Consequently, America had no uniform system of currency which made trade between the states, and with foreign entities, much more difficult and less efficient.
Answer: They supplied Great Britain with money and weapons.
Britain, led by Winston Churchill, was the first to point out the danger that came from Germany before the war began. And if Britain appeared to be the lone President Roosevelt, he provided considerable help to the British.
First and foremost, this assistance consisted of financial support. Also, the US government has assisted the British with significant amounts of weapons, ammunition and aircraft.
The first inhabitants of present-day South Carolina likely arrived about 11,000–12,000 years ago. Hunting and gathering typified their first 10 millennia, but they developed agriculture about 1000 BCE.
He believed this subject in genral was wrong
In his Notes on the State of Virginia, published in 1785, Jefferson expressed the beliefs that slavery corrupted both masters and slaves alike, supported colonization of freed slaves, promoted the idea that African-Americans were inferior in intelligence, and that emancipating large numbers of slaves.