A because allows you to scrutinise every part of the image before judging it
The one vibrating faster if you think about when singing in order to hit high notes you must push air faster while when singing lower you slow down the speed o air being pushed its the same with high pitch Nd low pitch frequency higher equals faster and lower equals slower
La técnica mosaico muchas veces es usada para fines decorativos que se realiza combinando diferentes elementos para formar una figura que se coloca en paredes, pisos o techos para sustituir la pintura u otro revestimiento.
También es una obra artística elaborada con pequeñas piezas de piedra, cerámica, vidrio u otros materiales, de diversas formas y colores, llamadas teselas, unidas sobre un lecho aún fresco de yeso, cal y polvo de arcilla, cemento u otro aglomerante para formar composiciones decorativas geométricas, figurativas o abstractas.
Try drawing lines from the object to the place of the ground on the opposite of the sun
That's my personally advice
If you want more detailed information you could try watching a few video's or looking at a few examples^^