Based on his dying words, what did Squanto learn from the Pilgrims. He gained a belief in Puritan Christianity and hoped that the Englishmen's god would welcome him. Why did Metacom attack New England towns? ... Thousands of Native Americans, including Metacom died.
The Kubler Ross Model is usually experienced by people who lost their loved ones or people who are close to death because of a terminal illness or other related circumstances. The stage of Kubler Ross Model that is being shown above is the bargaining stage. It is where an individual tries to negotiate in exchanging for prolonging the person's existence. It could be seen above as Jorgen says that he will only be good or in other words, accept his fate when he has visited Sweden.
The phrase invisible hand was introduced by Adam Smith in his book 'The Wealth of Nations'. He assumed that an economy can work well in a free market scenario where everyone will work for his/her own interest.
The largest social class was made up of farmers.
I would say a small breed like a French Bulldog or a Boston Terrier