The southern part, because the altitude increases as you go south in Egypt and leads into the Ethiopian highlands
Reasons for migration.
Migration is a process that has been happening since the emergence of humankind. The main reasons for it have always been the same - a better life and a safer life. While over time there have been numerous other reasons that have emerged as humans developed more and more, the two basic ones are still the leading ones.
- When the Soviets decided to deny the rigths of the Jews, the Jews felt insecure, both financially and for their lives, so they had a big push factor to migrate to other countries.
- Ethiopia is a country where the living conditions are bad, and when the country faces a severe drought the majority of the population experiences famine. Having a lack of food means that your life is at stake, thus people try to move into countries where they will at least have enough food to survive.
- The war in Bosnia, in which the Muslims, Serbians, and Croatians engaged, resulted in genocides. People were naturally affraid for their lives and the lives of their families, so they did everything they can to migrate to safer countries.
- Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Caribbean region. The widespread poverty means poor living conditions, so being so close to well-developed countries like the USA motivates the people to migrate in order to have better opportunities and higher life quality.
The pros
The different types of energys
<u>Past is key to future and landmarks are ket sign and indicators.</u>
- Many landmarks have been built in the history of the earth such as the Mount Rushmore, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty and many more the Burj Khalifa, and Berlin wall.
- Their basic construct was to put represent civilization like it's in Brazil statue of christ redeemer is know for peace and landmark of Stonehenge on easter island. It depicts a civilization's history and past experiences.
- landmarks as a way of identifying the place with some characteristics that the place has to offer to the future generation so as they can understand and learn from them. They are marked on the history of the earth's surface.
- Some are known for sacrifice, some for rituals, some for freedom and others to represent the amount of power or dominance.
it lets you visually see where a place is exactly instead of on a piece of paper and you can see the whole world at once and keep a mental image