By limiting government expansion, Harding helped create the economic dynamic that led to the Roaring 20's, a brisk period of economic growth
In the poem "Garden of My Childhood, the author’s childhood garden is a metaphor for his home country, China. With great sorrow, Chang has to leave the garden of his childhood, that is to say, China, and flee to another country (America). Therefore, the central team of the poem is exile, and Chang’s feelings about leaving his home and his new life.
Resolved, that this Congress will apply to His Majesty for a redress of grievances under which his faithful subjects in America labor; and assure him that the colonies hold in abhorrence the idea of being considered independent communities on the British government, and most ardently desire the establishment of a political union, not only among themselves but with the mother state, upon chose principles of safety and freedom which are essential in the constitution of all free governments, and particularly that of the British legislature.
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The reason why Lincoln did this is because he wanted the Union to reform and heal as quickly as possible. He accurately predicted that animosity on both sides would lead to harsh divisions over the next several decades.