I don't know
I didn't learn this yet. I'm sorry!
Periodic table of elements
The theme of the poem is:
B. Words of love are worthy of speaking anytime.
"In every deed shall mingle, love," says the speaker at the end of the poem. Love can intrude, can disrupt anything at anytime, because it is love. Even in one's sleep, even if one's dreaming, love is worth listening to. The speaker may be tired, sleepy, but he craves his muse's love, and so his words shall carry his feelings: "The lover's voice tonight shall flow."
A dutch man called Miep Gies hides Anne Frank, her family and four other Jews: Fritz Pfeffer, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels
a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Valentine's Day.It's also a gift or greeting sent or given especially to a sweetheart on Valentine's Day especially : a greeting card sent on this day. Also, something (such as a movie or piece of writing) expressing uncritical praise or affection : tribute.