In ancient Japan, Shintoism and Buddhism combined into a uniquely Japanese form of religion. During the Fujiwara regency, the military class rose around the ideals of the samurai, and large military families formed around powerful political figures.
They originally practiced Polythiestic religon.
The Sumerians practiced their own religion with their own complex pantheon of deities. The Sumerians have some of the oldest written language in human history, which is why their religion is known. The gods were believed to be involved in every aspect of life according to ancient Sumerians. The supreme god of their religion was named An, but worship often centered on his son, Enlil, the god of storms and wind. Sumerians worshipped in large temples called ziggurats, which resembled pyramids in a way. Sumerian religion would influence other world religions. Akkadian religion features deities that are similar to Sumerian ones. Even stories in the Old Testament resemble Sumerian stories. For example, Noah's flood is similar to a flood in Sumerian religion.
Answer: The event that occurs when one person consciously decides to induce another person to rely and act on a misrepresentation is:
Fraudulent Misrepresentation.
Explanation: Fraudulent Misrepresentation is when a person is been induced into a contract when the other party provides a misrepresentation of an important portion of the contract.
Answer: Cause it was the essential item of trade from the ancient North African City of Cyree, and was so critcial to the Cyrenian economy that most of their coins bore a picture of the plant. The valuable product was the plant's resin.
In England, the move was away from an absolute monarch, and toward a more powerful Parliament. ... The merchants and land-owning nobles supported Parliament, where members could be elected and changed in necessary, rather than an absolute monarch with no restraints.