5 precautionary measures for social networking Website are as follows;
- Don't consider offers for friendship from strangers.
- Never share your location.
- Don't post online contact information which valuable.
- Don't share something that you would not want to see with your family.
- Be mindful of internet scams and phishing.
In council-manager forms of city government, which typically occur in smaller towns, the "city manager carries out the council's policies" as opposed to a mayor in mayor-council governments.
From this 16th-century illustration, we can see that use and advantage of gunpowder of the following played a large part in the Mughal Empire's rise to power is the correct answer for that issue
We know that today KKK still is not completely gone from the US, it is just not as extreme. In the image, a figure dressed in KKK attire is casting a shadow over the US, implying that the KKK is spreading through that shadow. B says that KKK was dismembered and C says that they stopped discriminating, which based on the modern KKK this untrue, so it seems that the answer is A.
Hope this helped!
The colonists began to feel independent from England because of a number of reasons.
- The British parliaments were deliberately refusing to enforce laws in the regions. The colonists had no say in these laws.
- The British parliaments were taxing the colonists a lot.
- They wanted to exert more control over the colonists
These led to a lot of resistances in the colonies. The parliament then enacted the intolerable act as punishment to divide the colonies.
This backfired and the colonists became more unified than ever. They started to seek for their independence from England.
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