C. Personification: <em>Mask thy monstrous visage</em>. Personification happens when something (object, idea or animal for example) have or is given human attributes. When discoursing about conspiracy, Brutus calls and treats it as a concept, a thing vivid enough for it have a face and be conversed to as someone.
How to avoid getting scammed in foreign (European) countries
Where to find tour guides to help you through your country of choice
Those are just a few that you said you needed. If you need more I may be able to come up with a couple extra. It's kinda hard though!
Im so cold that im turning blue. You're as dumb as a rock. He's running faster than the wind. This bag weighs a ton. That man is as tall as a house.
This is the worst day of my life. A hyperbole is just an exaggeration
Tourism certainly has the potential of taking over the burden of powering Oman’s economy and replacing its dependence on income from oil.
Oman is the second country in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that welcomes an increasing number of tourists every year. Out of the 9.3 million passengers arriving in the country in 2015, about 36 per cent were tourists.
Rhea gave birth to Zeus in Crete, handing Cronus a rock wrapped in swaddling clothes, which he promptly swallowed.