What literature is this in?
putang Ina paning kamut diha ogok
bryt man Kaha ka ayaw pag salig diri Kay mas bogo pani nimo
1.A selfish person is incapable <em><u>of</u></em> true friendship.
2.How much time do you spend <em><u>on</u></em> homework?
3.Good friendship should be based <em><u>on </u></em>mutual understanding.
4.Do you keep in touch <em><u>with</u></em> any school friends?
5.Some adults have a total lack <em><u>of</u></em> sympathy <em><u>for</u></em> young people.
6.She had been briefly acquainted <em><u>with</u></em> him more than 20 years earlier.
7.Some people take <em><u>up</u></em> interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired <em><u>of</u></em> it.
8.She has learnt English for three years, and she is good <em><u>at</u></em> English now.
9.I wish Carol would take a holiday. It would be good <em><u>for</u></em> her health.
10.Mary always takes care <em><u>of</u></em> her children carefully.
11.It was very kind <em><u>of</u></em> you to help me with that difficult work.
12.You were very kind <em><u>to</u></em> me when I asked you for some help.
According to Thoreau, people who have the ability to serve the State without corrupting their conscience and maintain the ability to question government decisions as well as resist oppression caused by the government should be considered heroes.
Thoreau believed that heroes were essential for civil disobedience to be effective in the country. This was because for him it was necessary for citizens to be loyal to themselves and to be able to defend their concepts about what was right within society. For him, heroes totally fit that statement, because they were people who served the State, but remained true to their own beliefs.
This is because the heroes, even serving the State, were not corrupted by government benefits, but maintained their conscience and had the courage to question the State's decisions without fear of possible oppression.
Each of the girls finished their projects in Home Economics.