Answer: Symmetry means when one shape becomes exactly like the other if you flip, slide or even turn it.
Well, Betty is a really extremely intelligent man. He is Montag's captain, and he presents a paradox. He knows that Montag is constantly hiding his interest in books, and he doesn't do nothing. The first time that Betty and Montag are introduced, it is noticeable the conflict between them. According to the statement "Hell! It’s a fine bit of craftsmanship, a good rifle that can fetch its own target and guarantees the bull’s-eye every time...Why? You got a guilty conscience about something?" is an example of Betty's perceptiveness about Montag and throughout the book, he likes to toys with Montag and manipulates him.
Feature extremely high temperatures and dry conditions could be added after sentence 3 to strengthen the introduction to this paper
- Generally in the introduction paragraph the lines a content should be short a crisp when compared to the whole essay.
- Here in this introductory passage, we are talking about the desert and the cactus characteristics which are known to be the special and privilege plant of the desert.
- The cactus possess many characters which make them survive in the extreme hot condition and also survive them from predators.
- Thus this introduction describes such types of cactus species and explains its characters and features.
Option number 1 analyzes the conflict developed on the plot. It builds suspense about whether or not Theseus will succeed.
Theseus was the son of <em>Aegeus</em> and volunteered to go to <em>Crete Island</em> to kill the infamous Minotaur, a half man, half bull. The suspense created during the trip makes the reader think about the future of Theseus and Athens.
Once inside the labyrinth, Theseus has a savage fight and defeated the Minotaur ripping one of its horns and stuck it into the Minotaur's neck.
The story of Minos, the island of Crete and the Minotaur is an important part of the Greek Mythology that has influenced the culture of that European region.