<u>Climate change as catastrophic, irreversible this article is taken from Guardian news</u>paper.
- As global warming is a long rise in the average temperatures of the earth climate it's a major aspect o climate change taking place all over the world. And it is measured by the rise in rising in surface temperature both on land and in oceans and measured continuously as its growth is continuous.
- According to the IPCC panel the the global rise in temperature form 2.8 degree to 4.8 degrees in 21st century and the possible costs associated to this event site migration of species from these place, along with the environmental impact of mass extinction or relocation natural ecosystems such as coral reefs, mountain chains and shrinking of arctic and antarctic poles.
- Various NGOs have come up that try to mitigate this change in the evolution of natural gases, either by climatic engineering or by adaptation of habitats. NASA, UNFCCC and G77 nations have taken this step towards the prevention of climatic change.
Has the longest obrital time from any of the other planets in the solar system
Market economies are based on market forces like supply and demand. Mixed economies fall in the middle of market and command economies (where economic choices are governed by some central entity usually the government). The former Soviet Union (USSR) is an example of a command economy where economic choices (what to buy, sell and produce) where made by the government. If Australia is becoming more of a market economy and less of a mixed economy, fewer decisions are made by the government. Here's a diagram of two major types of economies:
Command Economy <-------------- Mixed Economy --------> Market Economy
(Government makes the decisions) (A little of both) (Individuals decide)
As of 2020, there are 12 countries in South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. French Guiana is an overseas territory of France and not an independent country.
A majority of respondents — 64 percent — said too much emphasis has been placed on testing, and a majority also said the best way to measure the success of a school is not through tests but by whether students are engaged and feel hopeful about the future.