The following conversation is acceptable.
Squilliam- "Hello James, It has been a while"
James- "Hello Squilliam, nice to see you recovered from that horrible incident"
Squilliam- "yes, it is isn't it"
James- "I like the outfit, but this is isn't a fancy dress party"
Squilliam- "Oh it isn't? Then why did you come dressed like a home less man?"
James- "Very funny Squilliam, any marriages you want to ruin again? or was that just for last year?"
Squilliam- "I don't know James, any houses you want to burn down? Or was mine enough for you?"
b. unique
unique is a synonym for unusual. Typical and routine are antonyms (opposite) of unusual, and unpleasant is unrelated.
*anyways can you answer my dog survey on my profile?
It hurts everyone idk why just find it out
The wonder and beauty of the American system of Justice is that when a crime is committed, the state "applies the law in a manner that offers redress and brings the guilty parties to justice".
docile seems to have a neutral connotation and unstable has a negative connotation. usually, the word flexible is describing a positive aspect, making it have a positive connotation.