Well its all due to Green house gasses produced through factories and automobiles, with the abundance of the world, driving, fly, and burning gas and oil on the whim we are playing a major role in this and unless a new technology that can surpass oil and natural gas we are slowly killing ourselves and the world.
✅La doctrina fue presentada por el presidente Monroe durante su sexto discurso al Congreso sobre el Estado de la Unión. Fue tomado con dudas, al principio, y luego con entusiasmo. Fue un momento decisivo en la política exterior de los Estados Unidos. La doctrina fue concebida por sus autores, en especial John Quincy Adams, como una proclamación de los Estados Unidos de su oposición al colonialismo en respuesta a la amenaza que suponía la restauración monárquica en Europa y la Santa Alianza tras las guerras napoleónicas.✅
Image result for How human interaction has influenced the landforms in joshua tree national park?
Severe drought may cause species like the Joshua tree, desert tortoise, and desert bighorn sheep to shift their ranges to higher elevations that receive more rainfall. As the climate becomes warmer and drier, these species may shift to higher and higher elevations within the park.
hope this helped
As it located close to the atlantic ocean.
- The Virginia Beach is a coastal city located in southeastern Virginia and is found adjacent to the Atlantic ocean. The beach has a total area of 1,290 km sq. and an elevation of 12 meters. The climate of the place is humid subtropical and has cool summers and warm winters.
A type of democracy in which people elect their representatives directly.
Ancient Athenians used this type of democracy to elect their leaders when they gather at an assembly.