It is important to apply Islamic principles to political life.
Political islam has one general purpose which is to apply principles of the religion to political life. Politics is mainly focuses on ruling and governing on a particular group of people.
The Quran is seen as the holy book which should dictate the politcal environment by most adherents of the political islam view.
The Quran highlights and traces the life of the holy prophet. It is widely believed that if the instructions and dictates postulated by the prophet is keenly followed, a political structure on His precepts can offer a better and fulfilling life in which practioners of the faith can easily subscribe to.
It is important to apply Islamic principles to political life.
As we are already aware from it that Islam is the perfect system of politics and life is very much part of our whole life, Islam teaches us how to observe Sawm, Undertake Hajj, say Salah, pay Zakah. so it completely teach us how to run a government and state. Although the Islamic ruling system is different from the system prevailing in the Non-Islamic countries.
In Africa not all places are able to enforce laws or provide basic goods and services to its citizens because of high crime rates, political corruption, ect.