2. assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife
5. basically both sides sit in trenches that face each other and are relatively close, from which they attack and defend
6. area between opposing forces' trenches where people could meet without hostility
7. really easy to get hit, <em>super</em> high risks of getting sick or injuries getting infected, you were trapped because the enemy would attack if you revealed your position
8. people/countries willing to sacrifice anything to win a war
9. Germany sunk a large number of U.S. merchant ships and killed civilians
11. treaty at the end of WW1 that determined the rules for peace between the Allies and Germany
12. "(1) The surrender of all German colonies as League of Nations mandates. (2) The return of Alsace-Lorraine to France. (3) Cession of Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium, Memel to Lithuania, the Hultschin district to Czechoslovakia. (4) Poznania, parts of East Prussia and Upper Silesia to Poland."
La Era de los Descubrimientos fue un período histórico que dio comienzo a principios del siglo XV, extendiéndose hasta comienzos del siglo XVII. Durante esta época los europeos, principalmente portugueses, españoles y británicos, recorrieron casi la totalidad del planeta, cartografiándolo y conquistándolo en buena medida. El motivo de dicha expansión vino por la necesidad de acceder a las riquezas de Asia, con las cuales contribuir al mercantilismo europeo, pero la causa o causas últimas siguen siendo discutidas
The Marine Corps plays a major role as the first force on the ground in most conflicts. Today, Marines are stationed around the world at all times, ready to deploy quickly whenever and wherever needed
One of the primary concerns of the colonists during the French and Indian War was that Great Britain would end up taxing them in order to pay for it, which turned out to be true and helped lead to the Revolution.