Sorry, I cant I don't speak that language.
Worms are genetically and physically able to do so, but humans don't always remember things because the brain makes room for stuff that it thinks is more important and throws out old information or you brain changed and it physically cant remember that because of how long ago it was and it could've been little to unimportant to remember every single thing you would need photographic memory.
Congress reviews a judicial decision and overturns the Supreme Court
The French Revolution, and more importantly its aftermath, resulted in the first major split in American national politics, which later grew and ended up in the first party system.
Thomas Jefferson, along with his followers, was pro-French, while Alexander Hamilton, John Adams and their associates were anti-French Revolution.
United States of America fought an undeclared war with the rise of Napoleon, pro-British a series of naval skirmishes known as the Quasi-War, with the Directory in 1798.