We walked to the park- walked (simple predicate), walked to the park (complete predicate)
My brother Ken collects old stamps- collects (simple predicate), collects old stamps (complete predicate)
I cooked a delicious meal- cooked (simple predicate), cooked a delicious meal (complete predicate)
Mom works hard all day- works (simple predicate), works hard all day (complete predicate)
The shy rabbit hopped away quickly- hopped (simple predicate), hopped away quickly (complete predicate)
(A) Arrogance
The synonym of a word is a word with the same meaning. Effrontery means acting in a rude way, thus arrogance has the closest definition to effrontery and is the synonym.
B.)after many years of life you become aware of it and wise
That he cares or doesn't either one sorry don't read the story