Answer – 3. A weakened form of a virus
When getting a vaccination, the substance which is injected into the body is a weakened form of a virus. This weakened from of the virus has the ability to arouse the body’s defense mechanism without causing an infection.
Daughter chromosomes move toward opposite poles of the cell.
Prophase is the beginning of cell division. At this stage, the CHROMATIN from which the chromosomes are formed thickens and twists spirally and CHROMOSOMES are formed which become visible under a microscope.
CENTRIOLS are organelles whose main role is to form a dividing spindle during cell division, now they separate and move towards the poles of the cell.
When they reach the poles, the threads of the dividing spindle are formed between them. Chromosomes are attached to these threads.
Aggressive behaviour is a act of violence not without it
i think its energy that made by our body.. its form from a chemical substance (from food). The chemical energy in our body is the heat we give.
With the invention of the PCR technique , DNA profiling took huge strides forward in both discriminating power and the ability to recover information from very small or degraded starting samples.
The process of PCR mimics the biological process of DNA replication but confines it to specific DNA sequences of interest.
In PCR process , the DNA sample is denatured into separate individual polynucleotide strands through heating. Two oligonucleotide DNA primers are used to hybridise to two corresponding nearby sites on opposite DNA strands. Thus two new copies of the sequences of interest are generated.
Repeated denaturation , hybridisation and extension in this fashion produce an exponentially growing number of copies of the DNA of interest.
Quantitative PCR methods enable automated , precise and high - throughput measurements.