<span>To determine the correct option you have to make sure you understand the meaning of the phrase represented above. Literal meaning of “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is that the perception of beauty is subjective. Actually, everything in the eye of beholder is subjective as it refers to person's own perception and understanding things. Beauty is an abstract term that people understand in different ways so this phrase is definitely an example of subjectivity.</span></span>
<h3>His parents did not like it . This sentence was underlined in red in the newspaper cutting because her mother wanted to say the same condition with her</h3>
In Dante Alighieri's Inferno, Canto 4, Cirlce 1, the protagonist enters the Limbo. This is described as the home of virtuous non-christians and children who died without being baptized. Among the virtuous non-christians are Homer, Horace, Ovid, and Lucan (Classical Poets), among other heroes and genius minds of prior times. While the text alludes to the fact that these are not the only people in Limbo, these are the only ones mentioned by name.
Therefore, your best answer is classic poets and <u />unbaptized infants.
The correct order would be (C): read the criteria, read the passage, evaluate the passage, and the identify the score. So, the answer would be: C. Read the passage.
I would say "personification" and it seems to be used in the following passages, "joy whose hand is ever at his lips, and bidding adieu", "turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips"," Veil'd melancholy has his sovran shrine" and finally " his soul shall taste the sadness of her might". So joy is personified as being a hand at lips, the mouth like a bee (local simile) that sips, melancholy is like a person that has his shrine, and a soul can taste sadness.