hyyyyyy i love you forever..........
The broad topic would be Communication Through the Ages. Early Kingdoms narrows it down to West Africa. A short research project could give you the info you need on USGrant. The Mid Atlantic States are such a small portion that when you study colonization, it can be narrowed down to each colony. Communiciation Through the Ages - is just that - a long time and a very broad subject. From when to when?
It would take a while to research all the different types of communication - and is it narrowed down to technology or can it go back even to the stone age and how people drew pictures to communicate???
Answer: Don't make an excuse.
Explanation: Don't lie to your teacher and tell her "your dog ate your homework" and don't say "Your having trouble at home". Tell your teacher the truth, even if the truth is that you were lazy. Just be honest with your teacher and tell him/her that you didn't do it. Do not lie, because Karma can and most definitely will come back to you. We all the know the saying... Karma's a ….. well you get it so, DO NOT LIE. And besides, You never know what your teacher's reaction will be. Who knows maybe he/she will give you extra time to do it or turn it in.