Virginia Plan rejected state sovereignty in favor of a supremacy in the national government while the Articles called for state authority.
Tulsa's race riots were a large-scale racial conflict between May 31 and June 1, 1921, in which white American population groups attacked the Afro-American community in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
One of its main focuses was the Greenwood district, the most prosperous African-American community in the United States of America, which was completely destroyed.
Contextual background includes the Red Summer of 1919 in the USA, which was characterized by repeated racial conflicts. As an immediate background, on the afternoon of May 30, a man of color, D. Rowland, was reported to the police, accused of attacking a white woman. On the morning of the next day, May 31, D. Rowland was arrested. The repercussion of the case and the existence of previous tensions led to the concentration of black and white armed groups around the place where Rowland was detained, very close to the Greenwood district, throughout the afternoon of the same day and fear about a possible lynching attempt.
how I don't think its correct