This is used when the subject of a sentence receives the action instead of doing it. This is a one-sentence summary of a paragraph's main point. This refers to the ordering of elements in a sentence. This is whoever will be reading or listening to a piece of work/speech.
Phone prices dropped, quality increased, and renting phones faded away. The other significant benefit of the breakup of AT&T was competition in long-distance phone service. The Baby Bells allowed consumers to choose among long-distance carriers. Companies like MCI and Sprint (S) challenged AT&T in this market.
D. Many humans were accused of being witches and most of their family members were killed. Most killed were women and children.
Sagacity is the quality of being wise or having good judgment. An example of sagacity is when a person refuses to get in the car with someone who has been drinking. The quality of being sage, wise, or able to make good decisions.
Answer ;
In television the better and the worst should be chosen by us