Quizás lo mejor es explicar tus sentimientos a tu amigo y a tu enamorado. Ya sabes lo que puede pasar. E incluso si te rechazan, recuerda que tienes la oportunidad de encontrar a la persona adecuada, y tal vez tu enamoramiento no sea el indicado para ti.
¡Espero que esto ayude!
The “ch-ch” sound is used to get someone's attention or to get a bus to stop.
In this example we can compare a European and Latin American family, they are something similar in breakfast because they eat bread with butter or jam, but in Nicaragua, they eat a traditional food called "gallo pinto" is rice and beans, and lunch in Nicaragua no one eat in house children eat in the cafeteria, and Spain they eat "tortilla" is different like a Nicaraguan tortilla this is corn tortilla, in Spain is an omelet, in Spain, the dinner is at 10 o'clock in Nicaragua is at 4 or 6 PM.
A. Julio is saying that the best choice is to open a savings account
Carlos wants Julio's feedback on what kind of account he should open to save his money.
A - is recommending to open a savings account
B - is saying in case he opens a saving account
C - is saying it's true that you open a saving account
D - saying unless you open a savings account