It put alot of debt and restrictions to the german country and their people, stripped them of their territories and made them pay for war damages across europe while they were dealing with an economical collapse of their own within. as you can imagine this was impossible to get out of plus having to deal with an unbelievable homeless and jobless rate in germany. This all set the stage for Adolf Hitler to power in germany, and with the german people's support.
As the top answer says, it pretty much made Germany take tea war guilt clause claiming responsibility for starting the war which put Germany in so much debt that it was " cheaper to burn money than fire " because their currency was pretty much worthless, this enraged Hitler's because he thought the Germans where superior, and he blamed it all on the Jews and so in order to regain their military and ect. Which was taken away with the treaty, hitler threatened war against Britain and France, and then they realized Britain and France where afraid of war so he went onward and ext. hope it helps
The last of the Bill of Rights was the Tenth Amendment. This Amendment expresses the principle of federalism and rights to the states. It says that the power is given to the people or the states it is not given to the federal government. <em>“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”</em>