Rosa Parks wasn’t too tired. She wasn’t incapable of leaving her seat when bus driver James F. Blake demanded her to do so. She was properly seated in the colored section, but because the white section was full, Blake attempted to move Parks back to accommodate the white patron.
Parks, the mother of the civil rights movement, made the decision to remain in her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus because she didn’t believe she should have to move because of her race, even though that was the law.
In the middle of the crowded bus, Parks was arrested for her refusal to relinquish her seat on Dec. 1, 1955 — 61 years ago. Parks, 42, paid a fine and was briefly locked up.
i hope this helps if not i am so sorry
sorry I thought the question was easy
Sorry i don't know the passages to be able to help
Imagery would be "The seas were blue while the beautiful skies were as light as my eyes."
Figurative is "The tears from the young girl were swept by the sea."
And... that's all i have.