1. Association
Association as a literary or rhetorical device is defined as a connection made between ideas. The quote by Lincoln associates the state of the Union with the biblical statement of Jesus about standing with good or with evil, as well as the picture of membes of a household at odds with one another.
2. bias in favor of Senator Hartford
Senator Hartford's introduction praises her as a "conservative leader," whereas Senator Williams is identified only by a negative factor, an investigation against him. There is clear bias favoring Senator Hartford.
3. moderate to extreme views
The choices for this question could show some bias themselves! Essentially, the Republican Party tends to be the more conservative party in American politics. But it has some moderate members and, on the far right, some extreme members. So "moderate to extreme" would seem to best express the range of views seen in the Republican Party.
4. Democratic Party
The Democrats are typically seen as "liberal," whereas the Republicans are conservative and the Green Party radical. The Libertarian party has some tendencies that align with liberal views and some with conservative, depending on the issue. Libertarians tend to believe in giving the greatest amount of freedom possible, so they may be on the free market side of economic issues (like many Republicans) but also may favor legalizing marijuana (like many liberals).
5. Parties
The United States has tended to be primarily a two-party system through most of its history.
A political party would notify people about certain issues for many reasons, one of them (where they would then want to gain interest and support of the public) would that they want to gain political points so they could ensure being re-election.
The immigration experience for different groups of immigrants is different and they assimilated to American society in different ways. There were also biases and prejudices on the part of mainstream society that were barriers for some populations.
The process of assimilating into American culture is complex. The early immigrants from Northern Europe who arrived in colonial times or shortly thereafter had an easier assimilation process as they were more like the settlers culturally and historically although some Scandinavian and German cultural influences remained among families and in particular regions. There was also a large population who immigrated from Ireland around time from the 1820s to 1860s. In the mid to late 1800s there were waves of immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe and they were linguistically and culturally more distinct and so they also created enclaves in many of the the largest cities that allowed them to keep some of their heritage. Generally by the second generation immigrant children adopt many of the traits of the dominant culture and they are bilingual in many cases but can speak English like anyone born American. The Chinese for example were discriminated against and excluded with the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. It was harder for them to assimilate.
El comercio es el intercambio de bienes y servicios creando un importador y un exportador. A medida que este concepto crece, también lo hace otro, la globalización. Por esta razón no es posible concluir la relevación de la liberalización comercial y el crecimiento económico.