B) estamos leyendo
You have a book in your hands meaning you are reading
In general, the imperfect is used to talk about past actions, conditions, or events that occurred regularly or frequently or that were in progress in a moment in the past. It is also used to tell time, talk about dates, give a person's age, and describe features, conditions, and feelings in the past. So we can write the verb in parentheses in the imperfect tense as follows:
1. Ud estaba en la clase de ingles
2. Gloria trabajaba mucho en la tienda de ropa
3. Ellos no eran amigos
4. Ellas iban a la jungla
5. Yo no sabía nada
6. Yo estaba en mexico
7. Tú aprendías mucho
In the imperfect tense, there are only three verbs with irregular conjugations, namely:<em> ir, ser,</em> and <em>ver</em>. The other verbs are regular. Both regular and irregular imperfect verb endings are shown in Tables below.
La tijera corta el papel.
Use una tijera para cortarme el pello.
El asesino uso una tijera para cometer su atrosos asesinatos
hope this helps
Cada mes yo <u><em>ahorro </em></u>15.000 pesos
│Hope this helped _____________________│