Edit your answer; include the answer choices wo we can choose the correct sentence
It’s 1. People of a similar culture who live in the same time
See explanation for answer.
Maybe instead of saying "ain't nothing I want more than your love" say "I want nothing more than your love" for a classier and more professional line.
I would reccommend taking out "you're a catipiller, you're becoming a beuatiful butterfly" because in my opinion it almost seems like your belittling the person you love. Try using a different metaphor.
"ill love you to the day that I die" should be "I'll love you till the day that I die" which I might also change because it sounds very similar to a line in the song "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. Just a tip.
When you say "love is all I need, love is all I want" maybe say "your love is all I need, your love is all I want"
Try creating stanzas, it will help your poem look more finished.
I love the comparison "like roses you have thorns" and "like a bull I have horns" cause that's basically you admitting that you know neither of you are perfect.
I love your ending, it's very well thought out.
I hope I helped!
Have a lovely day!
Dear mom,
I know that this is coming late.
I do not know how else to say this Mom but I am so sorry. I am not saying this because I feel bad that I was absolutely wrong, and you were right; I am saying it because even if I really didn’t want your advice, I could have at least done so without offending you or ignoring you.
I realize there is more wisdom in the advice you give me than I know, do forgive me.
I cannot even begin to imagine the hurt you must feel watching me do the very things you warned me of and falling victim to the very scenario you tried to prevent me from.
I love you now, forever and always.
Thank you.
1. The band show was very busy.
2. * I’m literally carrying a car right now.
3. The movie had very incredibly miserable in many of part.
4. Alexa is directly and the same as a monkey.