The Whiskey Rebellion was an uprising that occurred in the United States during the presidency of George Washington, due to a tax being placed on whiskey, which was very unpopular.
From the use of telephone to handphone or gaining laptops and computers for a big increase of technology.
Changes in technology lead to an increase in productivity of labor. It can be used to increase value across a wide range of types.
If you mean the percentage of 23/12 it accumulates to 191.6%
If you mean 2312 it's 231.2% as 2,312 out of 1,000 equals 231.2%
Throughout the Middle Ages, Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (known as the Byzantine Empire), was the trade hub between the goods transported along the Silk Road all the way from China, and the Venetian and Genoese merchants. When Constantinople was conquered by the Ottomans by the force of arms, in 1453 A.D. they took over the control of all the trade coming through the Silk Road. However, they denied European merchantes access to Constantinople and the goods traded in that city which prompted the Portuguese to seek maritime routes to India and China sailing around the Western African coastline.
War and negative effects.