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The timelines for the History of China is correctly and chronologically arranged as follows:
- 2000 B.C. Metals are used for tools and jewellery
- 400 B.C. Chinese people begin creating paintings on silk
- 206 B.C. Great Wall of China finished
- 100 A.D. Buddhist religion comes to China
- 200 A.D. Paper is widely used in China
- 1050 A.D. Printed books are widely used throughout China
- 1517 A.D. First Europeans come to China by sea
- 1044 A.D. The first evidence of gunpowder in China
- 1911 A.D. China's rule by the emperor ends
- 1989 A.D. Chinese government attacks protestors in Tiananmen Square
- 2008 A.D. China hosts the Summer Olympics in Beijing
The British and the Spaniards attempted to seize Saint-Domingue amid the French Revolution on the grounds that the French were excessively occupied with their own particular upset, making it impossible to battle for their province. Given its key area and the accessibility of crude materials and minerals, the two nations tried to control it.
Attorney general is the head of the Department of Justice and chief legal counsel to the president. The duties of the attorney general are very important and wide spreading. The attorney general mainly handles the cases that involves government and give advice to President and head of the executive body when needed.
The post of Attorney General was created in 1789 to head the chief judiciary system and law enforcement department in federal government. In the territory or state Attorney General is the top legal advisor. They act and behave in the legislation as a people's representative. Attorney generals are elected by members, some are directly appointed by governor.
U.S senate confirms the attorney general but they are nominated by president. The attorney general handles the cases where government is involved and gives advice to president and head executive whenever needed.